The world is on fire.
Life together feels impossible. Sometimes, it is.
Many people think communication is simple, just a matter of getting the right words across.
I disagree.
I’m Craig Maier. I’ve been thinking and teaching about communication for over 25 years as an award-winning professor, leadership coach, and nonprofit professional.
I believe communication is a loving struggle at the edges of what we can’t yet see.
We’re all bound up in that struggle together. But our struggle isn’t as loving as it should be.
The edges can feel sharp to the touch. And beyond those edges? It can feel like an abyss.
We can get so caught up in the struggle, so cut by our edges, so scared of the abyss, we can think the fire is all there could ever be.
Exploring why and how we communicate—and how we can communicate better—helps us see the fire around us as a source of transformation and renewal.

If we’re going to survive, we’ll need to listen with our minds, bodies, and hearts.
And we’ll need all our creativity and wisdom.
My writing, teaching, coaching, and consulting explore four questions:
How can we create healing relationships in the darkness?
How can we care for others and ourselves in a world reeling in pain?
How can we tell new stories that create possibilities for our lives?
How can we live those stories through new practices and transformative action?
My background spans academia, coaching, consulting, and nonprofit communication.
Ph.D. in interpersonal, organizational, and ethical communication
Nine years’ experience as a tenured university professor of religious leadership communication (Duquesne University)
13 years’ experience as a professional communicator and consultant to nonprofit organizations
Professional Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation, since 2021
1000+ hours of coaching experience
Professional Coach Certification Program, Duquesne University
Accredited Diploma, Body-Oriented Coaching (Somatic School, UK)
Level I Practitioner in Developmental and Complex Trauma (NARM Training Institute, USA)
Certificate in Coaching Neurodivergent Learners (JST Coaching, USA)
Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, but currently living in Germany with my wife and two sons, giving my writing a comparative and international perspective
Interests include reading, trail running, yoga, and vegan baking
Want to learn more? Contact me at the form below today.